Zouk & Salsa Day Party!

CASA Denver Dance Studio, 4025 Steele St, Denver, CO, 80216, United States

(een maand geleden)

Poster voor Zouk & Salsa Day Party! op zondag,  9 februari
Salsa Zouk

WHERE 4025 Steele St
WHEN 4-6pm
If you love to dance, and go to bed early, then this is for YOU. 😴
Practice your moves, connect with new friends, enjoy a dance social, and join the community! 💖
🎟️ $18 (Half-off for Unlimited Pass Holders)
Tickets: https://denverschoolofsocialdance.com/day-party
Classes before the social
-Coples Partner Dance
-Brazilian Zouk with Logan
Join us✨

Kaart van de omgeving van CASA Denver Dance Studio, 4025 Steele St, Denver, CO, 80216, United States

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