Zesty Friday @ Tango Garden

Ulica Augusta Šenoe 23, HR-10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska,Zagreb, Croatia, Zagreb, GZ, HR


Organiser: Tango Garden

Poster for Zesty Friday @ Tango Garden on Friday, October 18 by Tango Garden

Pripremili smo vam opasno dobar provod na našem Zesty Tango Weekendu!

Počinjemo s jednim prilično posebnim petkom u Tango Gardenu. Iz Beograda nam dolaz DJ Điki – jedva čekamo da zesty energija te mlade tango kraljice prodrma atmosferu! 🔥

Petak u Tango Gardenu bit će obogaćen i šankom s nekoliko finih rashlađenih pića, a za kojim će vas usput animirati dobro poznata nasmijana lica. 😉🍋


18:00-19:30 The holy Trinity: The floor, the music and my partner (All levels) - Rocio & Bruno


20:00-01:00 DJ Điki 🔥

UPAD: 10€ (online registracija) / 12€ (na vratima)

Pripremite outfite na limune, naoštrite plesne cipelice i, ako još niste, registrirajte se na: www.zestytangoweekend.com. Broj mjesta za milonge je ograničen, tako da osigurajte svoje mjesto!

Sve detalje o događaju pronađi na našoj web stranici!


We've prepared a dangerously good time for you at our Zesty Tango Weekend!

We’re kicking off with a pretty special Friday at Tango Garden. DJ Điki is coming all the way from Belgrade – we can’t wait for the zesty energy of this young tango queen to shake up the atmosphere! 🔥

Friday at Tango Garden will also be spiced up with a bar serving a selection of chilled drinks, where you'll be entertained by some familiar, smiling faces. 😉🍋


18:00-19:30 The holy Trinity: The floor, the music and my partner (All levels) - Rocio & Bruno


20:00-01:00 DJ Điki 🔥

CONTRIBUTION: 10€ (online registration) / 12€ (at the door)

Get your lemon-themed outfits ready, sharpen your dancing shoes, and if you haven’t already, register at: www.zestytangoweekend.com. Spots for milongas are limited, so hurry up and secure your spot!

Find all the details about the event at our website!

Map of the area around Ulica Augusta Šenoe 23, HR-10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska,Zagreb, Croatia, Zagreb, GZ, HR

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.