Wild Bachata Thursdays

Coyote Ugly Stables Market, Chalk Farm Rd, Chalk Farm, London, NW1 8AH, United Kingdom

(En 6 días)

Salsa Bachata

Thursday is Wild Bachata @ Cayote Ugly Stables market Camden
Join us for our weekly Salsa classes from 7:30 to 9:30 all levels are welcome.
Follow By the Social till 12pm
We created this night for you to practice your dancing technique as we have 3hours non stop social with the Bos DJs plus guest.
For more info please call 07956114933

Mapa de la zona alrededor de Coyote Ugly Stables Market, Chalk Farm Rd, Chalk Farm, London, NW1 8AH, United Kingdom

Evento encontrado a través de la web, trate esta información con precaución.