Wednesday Level Up Practica

Seattle, WA, USA

(In a month)

Organiser: Kizomba Seattle

Poster for Wednesday Level Up Practica on Wednesday, October  9 by Kizomba Seattle

Join us in for our weekly Wednesday Kizomba and UrbanKiz practica at Dance Underground, in Capitol Hill, Seattle. 
Time: 9:30pm-11:30pm 
Each practica will have local instructors who can answer your questions and help you grow and level up 🤓📶🆙↗️
Cost: $5 - because we want consistent practice to be accessible to everyone!!!All payment via Venmo to @kizombaseattle or cash - please pay before getting on the dance floor 🙏🏽
We will be in Studio B (first studio to the right when you walk down the stairs).Bring your friends and tell others you want to practice with so we can all level up! 
Wednesday Practica is a community-powered weekly event that is open to everyone. It is an informal social gathering for dancers who want to dance all the dances under the Kizomba umbrella ☂️ and connect with other dancers. 
Members of the community volunteer to manage this event. They take care of creating notifications for the event on facebook on the Kizomba Seattle Facebook Group. They solicit other community members to help as hosts for the event.

Map of the area around Seattle, WA, USA

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.