The "Backyard Colors" Salsa Social edition

The Backyard Paul Gilsonlaan 450 1620 Drogenbos

(a month ago)

Organiser: Talal Benlahsen


We are excited to invite you to the next edition of our salsa social at our unique venue, The Backyard Brussels! In celebration of the beauty and atmosphere of our space, we ask that you come dressed in shades of purple to enhance the colorfulness of our ballroom.
But wait, there's a fun twist for our female dancers this time! As a sweet gesture to our male dancers who offered flowers last time, we kindly request that each female dancer brings along some chocolates to share with them and spread the love on the dance floor.
Get ready for a night filled with the best salsa tunes, warm company, and of course, plenty of chocolate sweetness.
See you on the dance floor!
Entrance: 10€.
Dress Code: Purple and its shades.

Map of the area around The Backyard Paul Gilsonlaan 450 1620 Drogenbos

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.