Tango Rouge Bizarre : Saturday KitKatClub

Köpenicker Straße 76, 10179 Berlin, Deutschland,Berlin, Germany, Berlin, BE, DE

(a month ago)

Organiser: Tango Rouge

Poster for Tango Rouge Bizarre : Saturday KitKatClub on Saturday, May 18 by Tango Rouge

Tango Rouge presents a bizarre Tango floor at the legendary KitKatClub's Saturday night party

Classes + Party + Shows

19:00-21:00 Entrance
19:00 Entrance Buffet
19:30 Classes in Argentine Tango
No experience and no partner needed.

3 Classes:
Beginners Class: Introduction to Tango
Close Embrace improvisation and technique
Dramatic & playful figures

21:00 Tango Party in Salon Rouge

Live music + Performances all night long

Strict Dresscode: Playful, kinky, fetish, carnival, crazy, sexy, extremely elegant Tango. Casual dress = no entry!
Extreme tough door for male only group.

If you already know Tango and want to join the Milonga only, you need to arrive before 21:00. Then our Entrance closes and the clubs opens at 22:00 with long queue.

30 € Artist Support
25 € Regular
20 € Low Budget
The entry is valid for the whole Saturday night in all areas of KitKatClub

Brückenstr. 1, 10979 Berlin

Tango Rouge is a regular event that takes place every Monday and Saturday (except for the first Saturday in the month) in the basement of KitKatClub.

Map of the area around Köpenicker Straße 76, 10179 Berlin, Deutschland,Berlin, Germany, Berlin, BE, DE

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.