We will now be hosted by the Mercury Cafe at 2199 California St in the Jungle room (first floor).
Join us for the future of tango at the only alternative milonga in Denver! All nuevo or alternative music for your dance enjoyment.
Devon Near will be providing a special Zouk Lesson aimed for tango dancers to spice up your dance with some new moves!
After the lesson, we have DJ Emory Roehrkasse bringing their signature pizzazz to the dance floor for the rest of the night!
To ring in the new year, we will have a blacklight milonga, so bring your neon and white to glow up 2025!
Water will be provided (please bring your own bottle)
Zouk Lesson - Devon Near -7:30pm - $10
Milonga -Emory Roehrkasse - 8:30pm - $20
Student discount - 50% off
Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.