Sutton Coldfield Salsa Classes

Adresse: 37 South Parade, Sutton Coldfield, B72 1, United Kingdom,Birmingham, United Kingdom, Birmingham, EN, GB

(Il y a 3 semaines)

Organisateur: Uksalsafeet

Affiche pour Sutton Coldfield Salsa Classes le mardi  7 mai par Uksalsafeet

This class is specially designed for you who think that you are incapable of learning how to dance salsa. Or think that you got two left feet!
Uksalsafeet have tailor-made this dance class especially specific to meet your needs. Uksalsafeet is running absolute beginner salsa classes on Tuesday at S

Carte des environs 37 South Parade, Sutton Coldfield, B72 1, United Kingdom,Birmingham, United Kingdom, Birmingham, EN, GB

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