San Jose Bachata Nights

On One Studios, 422 N Capitol Ave, San Jose, CA, 95133, United States

(vor einem Monat)

Bild für San Jose Bachata Nights am Samstag,  4 Mai

San Jose Bachata Nights is a WEEKLY EVENT held at On One Studios.
Event Details…
Bachata Music by DJ Magic Mike
Beginner Bachata Class by Mike Galindo
Dance Lesson: 9 pm – 10 pm
Social Dancing: 10 pm – 1 am
Entrance: $20 Presale – $25 At the Door ( We accept Cash, Venmo, or Card )
Venmo payment: @DJMagicMike
422 N Capitol Ave
San Jose, CA 95133
Brought to you by San Jose Bachata Nights
#bachata #bachatadance #bachataclasses
About San Jose Bachata Nights
San Jose Bachata Nights is committed to the transformation of the world through dance and music.
San Jose Bachata Nights’ mission is to produce extraordinary bachata events while providing a warm, welcoming, safe, and inclusive space for all, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, or religion.
Our Proud Sponsors include:
Spartan SGX in Fremont, CA
Body Mechanix Laurel in Oakland, CA
Jose Botta, Florida, CA
Event Organizer’s Website:

Karte der Umgebung von On One Studios, 422 N Capitol Ave, San Jose, CA, 95133, United States

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