Salsa Tuesdays at Lucha Cartel

Adresse: Lucha Cartel, 207 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA, 19106, United States

(Il y a un mois)


Tuesdays were made for SALSA!

Join us for the best Salsa Tuesdays Social in Philly with the best dance instructors and DJs. The event will be FREE! Yes, Free. No Cover. Philly’s Tuesday Night Spot!
Free Salsa Lesson @ 10 pm
Top DJs
Dancing ’til 1AM
NO COVER /// 21+
Lucha Cartel
207 Chestnut St
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Carte des environs Lucha Cartel, 207 Chestnut St, Philadelphia, PA, 19106, United States

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