🔴🟠🟡 Salsa Star Edwin Rodriguez + Show! 🟡🟠🔴 Salsa Souls Bristol ⭐

Victoria Methodist church, 1A Whiteladies Road,Bristol, United Kingdom, Bristol, EN, GB


Organizador: Salsa Souls - Bristol Bath & Cardiff Latin Dance School & Club

Póster para 🔴🟠🟡 Salsa Star Edwin Rodriguez + Show! 🟡🟠🔴 Salsa Souls Bristol ⭐ el Viernes 14 de Marzo por Salsa Souls - Bristol Bath & Cardiff Latin Dance School & Club

Fab Salsa classes, Chocolate cake & Fun fun fun! Learn smooth & slick Salsa moves then, Party till 1am!!!!


Salsa Star teacher Edwin Rodriguez will be our guest teacher, showing you how easy it is to lead some very Cool, Fun & Funky m

Mapa de la zona alrededor de Victoria Methodist church, 1A Whiteladies Road,Bristol, United Kingdom, Bristol, EN, GB

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