Salsa & Sensual Metropolis Weekend Party

Adresse: Avenija Dubrovnik 10,Zagreb, Croatia, Zagreb, GZ, HR


Organisateur: Udruga plesaa Bandoleros

Affiche pour Salsa & Sensual Metropolis Weekend Party le vendredi 20 septembre par Udruga plesaa Bandoleros
Salsa Bachata Kizomba

Drage plesačice, plesači, neplesači, ljubitelji plesa i svi oni koji uživate u glazbi!

Već 10 godina sa vama trudimo se realizirati ovu vrstu partya, sa najvećim podijem u gradu...💃🕺
A cijeli Bandoleros i Metropolis tim naporno radi kako bi očuvali tradiciju najvećeg partya u gradu, pa i šire...💪

⭐️ Ovaj put za vas pripremamo novo izdanje našeg partya za početak plesne sezone!🥳🎉

🔥 Stoga dođite i proslavite uz novu sezonu🔥

⭐️Salsa & Sensual METROPOLIS Weekend Partya ⭐️

🤟 Organiziramo samo jedan party ovaj vikend
Biti će na repertuaru i Salsa i Bachata i Kizomba!

Idemo se isplesati za početak ove plesne sezone svi skupa!

🕺 Salserosi, bachatetosi i kizomberosi ovo je naš party! 💃

📆 Petak 20.09.2024

🕘21:30h - 🕒03:00h

Sva tri plesa na 1 flooru...😉
➡️ Salsa & Bachata (omjer 60/40)
➡️ Kizomba (poslije 01h)

A pripremili smo vam;

🔶️ Nagrade!!!! (svaka 50 ulaznica ostvaruje dobitak)
🔶️ Odlične DJ-eve
🔶️ Cijela noć bit će ispunjena najboljom glazbom salse, bachate i kizombe
🔶️ Osigurani su kokteli i razna cuga kao pravo osvježenje nakon plesa

🎫 Ulaz 7 EUR

☄️ Jedinstveni spektakl plesa i muzike svaki mjesec u produkciji Udruge Plesača Bandoleros i Metropolis music&billiards cluba!

Vidimo se!😀😃

Vaš Tim Bandoleros i Metropolis Club!


🔸️English version below🔸️

Dear dancers, dancers, non-dancers, dance lovers and all of you who enjoy music!

For 10 years, we have been trying to realize this type of party with you, with the biggest podium in town...💃🕺
And the entire Bandoleros and Metropolis team is working hard to preserve the tradition of the biggest party in the city and beyond...💪

⭐️ This time we are preparing a new edition of our party for the beginning of the dance season! 🥳🎉

🔥 So come and celebrate with the new season of🔥

⭐️Salsa & Sensual METROPOLIS Weekend Party ⭐️

🤟 We are organizing only one party this weekend
The repertoire will include Salsa, Bachata and Kizomba!

Let's dance together to start this dance season!

🕺 Salseros, bachatetos and kizomberos, this is our party! 💃

📆 Friday 20.09.2024

🕘21:30 - 🕒 03:00 h

All three dances on 1 floor...😉
➡️ Salsa & Bachata (ratio 60/40)
➡️ Kizomba (after 01h)

We have prepared for you;

🔶️ Prizes!!!! (every 50 tickets makes a profit)
🔶️ Excellent DJs
🔶️ The whole night will be filled with the best salsa, bachata and kizomba music
🔶️ Cocktails and various alcohol are provided as a real refreshment after the dance

🎫 Entrance 7 EUR

☄️ A unique spectacle of dance and music every month produced by Udruga plesača Bandoleros and Metropolis music&billiards club!

See you!😀😃

Your Team Bandoleros and Metropolis Club!

Carte des environs Avenija Dubrovnik 10,Zagreb, Croatia, Zagreb, GZ, HR

Information trouvée en cherchant sur le web, traitez cette information avec prudence.