Salsa Only Social - May Edition

Somos Dance Company, 12001 East 33rd Avenue #I, Aurora, CO 80010, Aurora, CO, 80010, United States

(a month ago)

Poster for Salsa Only Social - May Edition on Saturday, May  4

This is the Salsa Dance Party you have been waiting for. Salsa Romanitica, Mambo, Timba, Cha-Cha-Cha, Salsa Dura, and so much more!

This is the Salsa Dance Party you have been waiting for. Salsa Romanitica, Mambo, Timba, Cha-Cha-Cha, Salsa Dura, and so much more!

Map of the area around Somos Dance Company, 12001 East 33rd Avenue #I, Aurora, CO 80010, Aurora, CO, 80010, United States

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.