Salsa Magic's Friday Fiesta - Spring edition

11 Torrens Ter, Mount Cook, Wellington 6011, New Zealand,Wellington, New Zealand, Wellington, WG, NZ

(a week ago)

Organiser: Salsa Magic - Latin Dance School

Poster for Salsa Magic's Friday Fiesta - Spring edition on Friday, September  6 by Salsa Magic - Latin Dance School
Salsa Bachata

We're saying goodbye to winter and HELLO to spring! Celebrate with us as the days get longer and the temperatures start to get higher.

Join us up in our beautiful Dancetopia studio with Salsa and Bachata all night long!


💰 $12 entry
👗 Floral
🍹 BYO drinks

Map of the area around 11 Torrens Ter, Mount Cook, Wellington 6011, New Zealand,Wellington, New Zealand, Wellington, WG, NZ

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.