Rhythm House Multi-Genre Social

Fast Friends Beer Co, 7313 S IH 35 Service Road NB, Austin, TX, United States

(hace una semana)

Póster para Rhythm House Multi-Genre Social el Sábado  1 de Marzo
Salsa Bachata Lindy Hop West Coast Swing

Don’t miss out on the multi- genre dance social, bringing to you the greatest in Salsa, West Coast Swing, Bachata, and many more! Don’t see your style on here? Send us a message so we can include it! This is NOT YOUR AVERAGE SOCIAL! It’s a place to grab some beers and pizza with your friends and dance to some of your favorite music. FRIENDLY TO DANCERS AND NON-DANCERS alike.
We will be kicking off the night with an intermediate West Coast Swing Class by BEN CLEMONS at 7 o’clock followed by the social FROM 8pm-MIDNIGHT. Don’t miss out on this fun, chill vibes social!!

Mapa de la zona alrededor de Fast Friends Beer Co, 7313 S IH 35 Service Road NB, Austin, TX, United States

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