Queer Ballroom - Same Sex Partner Dancing for the LGBTQ+ community and their friends.About this EventQueer Ballroom Dance Series: 6-Week IntensiveStarting January 14th, 2025 | Tuesdays, 6:30 - 7:30 PMDates: January 14, 21, 28, February 4, 11, 18Celebrate queer identity and the joy of ballroom dance in a welcoming, inclusive space where everyone is encouraged to express themselves freely. This 6-week intensive series is perfect for all levels, especially those who feel a bit nervous but are excited to try something new.We’ll guide you through the basics of Swing, Rumba, Tango, Salsa, and more, with each step honoring diversity, self-expression, and connection. In a warm and affirming environment, you’ll quickly feel at ease and connected to a vibrant community of dancers.What to Expect:Terrified beginners are especially welcome—this class is for you!No dance partner required; just bring your enthusiasm and willingness to try.Special offer: First-time students can try a discounted sample class (limited availability), making it easy to get started.Come to Live, Dance, Love, and Celebrate YourselfDance isn’t just movement—it’s a powerful expression of self, a way to connect with others, and an opportunity to celebrate queer joy. Don’t miss this chance to dance with purpose and pride.Instructor: Robbie TristanGay Games and World Champion Same-Sex Ballroom DancerFor questions or to register, email us at: Um9iYmllIHwgUm9iYmllVHJpc3RhbiAhIGNvbQ==Visit our website: RobbieTristan.com https://cdn-az.allevents.in/events4/banners/41171000-9854-11ef-94d9-89a31c645b71-rimg-w1108-h740-dcc0c0c0-gmir.jpg https://cdn-az.allevents.in/events10/banners/414aa320-9854-11ef-9e9c-97fc12ccc2c3-rimg-w1110-h740-dc141318-gmir.jpg https://cdn-az.allevents.in/events10/banners/417cd6b0-9854-11ef-9e9c-97fc12ccc2c3-rimg-w1110-h740-dcffffff-gmir.jpg https://cdn-az.allevents.in/events5/banners/41b6f980-9854-11ef-9e9c-97fc12ccc2c3-rimg-w1110-h740-dc484848-gmir.jpg
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