Práctica Maravillas - ALAG - bis 22h30

ALAG, Wibichstrasse 43, 8037 Zürich, Svizzera

(a month ago)


Práctica Maravillas  is an informal meetup where what we care about most is good vibes and community creation. If you come and don't dance, it's also fine.

Our priority is to create a  safe and comfortable space, based on mutual aid and empathy. Also, it's a space where also our non-tango friends can come and have some nice time. You can bring drinks and food to share.
We start with an initiation class at 19h30 (with no gender roles) that will allow newcomers to enjoy the whole dancing event. The event is free and you don't need any previous dancing skills, just a nice smile :)

19h30 - 20h30: Initiation class
20h30 - 22h30: Práctica

Info: marcobaityjesi  at  gmail dot  com

Map of the area around ALAG, Wibichstrasse 43, 8037 Zürich, Svizzera

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.