Partyli @ Tanzwolke (Taster Class & Party)

Tanzwolke, Hallwylstrasse 26, Zürich, ZH, 8004, Switzerland

(hace 3 semanas)

Organizador: Tanzwolke

Lindy Hop

Die regelmässige Party in der Tanzwolke!
Gemütliches Beisammensein, Tanzen zu guter Musik, Ausprobieren, was man gelernt hat.
Dazu Snacks, nette Leute, tolle Tänze!

Wir freuen uns auf euch!

17-18 Uhr: Lindy Hop Schnupperstunde
18-21 Uhr: Party
Eintritt frei (Kollekte für Unkosten)
The regular party at Tanzwolke!
Come together, dance to good music, try what you have learned. Meet nice people, have some good chats, enjoy great dances and some snacks.
We are looking forward to meeting you!
17-18h: Taster Class Lindy Hop
18-21h: Party with DJ music
Free entry (collection pot for time and effort)

Mapa de la zona alrededor de Tanzwolke, Hallwylstrasse 26, Zürich, ZH, 8004, Switzerland

Evento encontrado a través de la web, trate esta información con precaución.