Esquina Tango Presents
Hora Once
Friday, February 21st
Location: Esquina Tango, 209 Pedernales St., Austin TX 78702
Price: Online below $17 general / At the door: $20
🎟️ Get your tickets below * Please note that you can choose the “platforms service charge”
8:00pm Mini Intro Tango Class (No partner needed)
8:30pm – 11:30pm Milonga with live music and DJ
What is a milonga? A milonga is a popular social event where people of all levels dance tangos, vals, or milongas! No partner needed to come to a milonga. At Esquina Tango there is no dress code you can wear your nice evening attire or relaxed jeans…we welcome you all! Leading and following are available to all and not attached to gender.
Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.