
Paviljoen Rauter Victor Rauterstraat 104 1070 Anderlecht

(6 days ago)

Organiser: MonTwono


👋 8 PM : Salsa class On2 « Open level » with Christian, Laurie & Loredana
💃 9 PM : Salsa party with DJ Manuel

1️⃣ Workshop

* 1 class + party: 12€ (10€ for students)
* 10-class pass: 90€ (80€ for students)
2️⃣ Party
* Before 10 PM « Happy entrance »: 5€
* After 10 PM: 7€

Map of the area around Paviljoen Rauter Victor Rauterstraat 104 1070  Anderlecht

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.