Milonga Matine Tango Amsterdam

De Lairessestraat 155A, 1075 HK Amsterdam, Nederland,Amsterdam, Netherlands, Amsterdam, NH, NL

(2 months ago)

Organiser: Tangomatter

Poster for Milonga Matine Tango Amsterdam on Sunday, May 12 by Tangomatter

Matine Tango with new ideas!

We start the seminars for 3 hours with pauses to explore Tango essential tips.

May Welcomes Diego Riemer "el pajaro" will share with host dancers with workshops and shows.

15:00 -18:00

Workshops Tango Salon for a better interaction on the dance floor, Milonga lisa and with Traspie
With Geraldina and Manuela.

18:00 -21:00
Dance exhibition Diego Riemer with Geraldina and Manuela

Seminar Milonga €60
Milonga only €15

Book: PM to Tangomatter or Manuela
Bar - Free parking on the street - wooden floor
BUS: 300m Emmastraat 347, 357, 397 and N97
TRAM: 500m Valeriusplein Tram 2

Map of the area around De Lairessestraat 155A, 1075 HK Amsterdam, Nederland,Amsterdam, Netherlands, Amsterdam, NH, NL

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.