Milonga en el Pub + FREE Tango intro class

Masthuggstorget 5,Gothenburg, Gothenburg, VG, SE

(4 weeks ago)

Organiser: Gteborgs tangokollektiv

Poster for Milonga en el Pub + FREE Tango intro class on Saturday, May  4 by Gteborgs tangokollektiv

Welcome to la Milonga en el Pub! Including a Free trial / intro class!

Something different with a milonga in a pub on the afternoon.
The cosy family-owned pub HAKET is opening its dance room for a milonga on the 4th of May.
Let's dance, enjoy a beer (or two) from their great selection, perhaps eat some of their heart-warming homemade food !

- 🕑 kl14:00-15:00 -> FREE Prova på / Trial. Tell your friends!
- 🕕 kl15:00-18:00 -> Milonga en el Pub 🎶🍻 with DJ Renaud.
...🪙 Price 50kr (cash or swish)
- kl18:00+ -> Perhaps a last beer or a meal at the pub before leaving? 🍻 ;-)

See you in the pub!

Renaud / Göteborgs Tangokollektiv

Map of the area around Masthuggstorget 5,Gothenburg, Gothenburg, VG, SE

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.