Olee!! **English below**
🗓 SUBOTA 28.12.!
21:00 - 22:00 🎓 FREE pre-party Bachata radionica
22:00 - 02:00 🎧 DJ Panda 🐼 Bachata Megamix
Najluksuzniji MEGA Bachata party za kraj godine. Taman na pola puta između Božića i Nove godine! I tvoj najdraži plesni podij u Linei!! 🥂
Dress Code: 🎅 Xmas VS New Years 🥂
Za dress code 2 su tima pa izaberi svoj, oba ciljaju na elegantnu briju samo je tonalitet drugačiji 😉
Team XMAS: Toplo elegantno, crveno, bijelo, smaragdno zeleno. Za ukrasiti kombinaciju dodatak poput pahuljice, božićne kape ili čarape. 🧑🎄🎄
Team NY: Glamur i sjaj. Šljokice, zlato, srebro, haljine, košulje, odijela. 🌟🌟
Ti biraš svoj jedinstveni stil. ✨✨
🌟 PRO TIP: Official MEGA Bachata Whatsapp grupa
🌟 PRO TIP 2: Zagreb Bachata Festival 2025
✨ Linea Bar ✨
Linea Bar oduševit će vas svojim modernim i elegantnim uređenjem i ugodnom atmosferom koja će vas odmah staviti u pravo plesno raspoloženje. Plesni podij je jaaaako velik, kao i vanjska terasa. Lokacija nam je isto jako bitna, puno besplatnog parkinga ima uvijek u samoj blizini. Sve ovo maknuti će svaku brigu s tvog dnevnog reda tako da se možeš posvetiti isključivo plesu i zabavi.
✅ Prostran plesni podij
✅ Elegantan interijer ✨
✅ Vrhunska zvučna oprema i ventilacija
✅ Velika terasa
✅ Puno besplatnog parkinga.u blizini 🚗
✅ Blizina tramvaja 🚋
✅ Službeni Fotić
📌 Linea Bar, Vukasovićeva 1 👉 https://maps.app.goo.gl/BL39JDP9scTrTaf98
⏰ 21:00 - 02:00h
🎶 BACHATA MEGAHITOVI (u pauzama kizz i salsa)
💵 Upad: 5 EUR
Želiš nam se pridružiti na tečaju ili radionicama? Čekiraj sve grupe i evente na linku: https://linktr.ee/laobsesionzg
21:00 - 22:00 🎓 FREE pre-party Bachata radionica
22:00 - 02:00 🎧 Bachata Megahitovi
The most luxurious MEGA Bachata party to wrap up the year! Perfectly timed between Christmas and New Year's! And your favorite dance floor at Linea!! 🥂
Dress Code: 🎅 Xmas VS New Year's 🥂
There are two teams for the dress code, so pick yours! Both aim for an elegant vibe, just with a different tone 😉
Team XMAS: Warm elegance in red, white, or emerald green. To accessorize, add something festive like a snowflake, Christmas hat, or stocking. 🧑🎄🎄
Team NY: Glamour and sparkle. Sequins, gold, silver, dresses, shirts, suits. 🌟🌟
You choose your unique style. ✨✨
🌟 PRO TIP: Official MEGA Bachata Whatsapp group
🌟 PRO TIP 2: Zagreb Bachata Festival 2025
✨ Linea Bar ✨
Linea Bar will impress you with its modern and elegant decor and a pleasant atmosphere that will immediately put you in the right dancing mood. The dance floor is huge, as is the outdoor terrace. Location is also very important to us, plenty of free parking is always available nearby. All of this will remove any worries from your schedule so you can focus solely on dancing and having fun.
✅ Spacious dance floor
✅ Elegant interior ✨
✅ Top-notch sound system and ventilation
✅ Large terrace
✅ Plenty of free parking nearby 🚗
✅ Proximity to tram 🚋
✅ Official Photographer
📌 Linea Bar, Vukasovićeva 1 👉 https://maps.app.goo.gl/BL39JDP9scTrTaf98
⏰ 21:00 - 02:00h
🎶 BACHATA MEGAMIX (with kizomba and salsa breaks)
💵 Entrance: 5 EUR
Want to join us for a class or workshop? Check all groups and events at the link: https://linktr.ee/laobsesionzg
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