Les Halles: Bachata & Salsa party by Clive & YouDance.be

Sint-Goriksplein 1, 1000 Brussel, België,Brussels, Belgium, Brussels, BU, BE

(a month ago)

Poster for Les Halles: Bachata & Salsa party by Clive & YouDance.be on Sunday, September  8
Salsa Bachata

Dear all,

We are very happy to invite you to our monthly Bachata & Salsa party at les Halles saint Gery. Located in the heart of Brussels, Les Halles is the perfect place to dance or drink a cocktail.

🔴The program start during the afternoon with some dance classes followed by a party with a Dj guest. In the "discussion" section you can find the exact schedule with the registration form for the courses.

🔴 Photos & videos
will be posted in the event itself from
📸 🎥 Clive Productions
Inst: https://www.instagram.com/cliveproductions
Fb: https://www.facebook.com/clive.prod.1

🔴 Please support this event ...
✅ 1. Share the info on social media
👉 On Facebook share the event & invite your friends into it
✅ 2. Come in big number with your friends (even non dancers) from the start.
✅ 3. Consuming at the bar is important for the viability of the project (Entry is free and will remain so in all cases)

------- Général info --------

Bachata & Salsa
Classes & Events

- Normal courses 1h/d
New sessions +- every 6 weeks

Info & registration on the website www.youdance.be

Map of the area around Sint-Goriksplein 1, 1000 Brussel, België,Brussels, Belgium, Brussels, BU, BE

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.