Latin Nights at Limon Lounge

Limon Lounge 2, 7777 Keele St & Hwy 7, Vaughn, ON, 64K 1Y7, Canada

(2 weeks ago)

Poster for Latin Nights at Limon Lounge on Friday, May  3

Hello my salsera and timbera people of Toronto, Lemuria Fusion Dance invites you to be part of this social that will have a dance class included, entertainment and lots of good music for the enjoyment of all Latin music lovers. We will play Cuban music for the dance class. Mix latino music after 10 pm, for the social.
This an ongoing event for every Friday and Saturday, besides the 1st Saturday of the month, when we will not be there. So, no dance class will be given the 1st Saturday of the month, but you can still show up for social after 10 pm.
“Class program”
Friday: Casino (Salsa en 1) partner work and Rueda de Casino for beginners
Saturdays: Casino (Salsa en 1) partner work and Rueda de Casino for intermediate and advanced.
Note: If you already master these levels you are also welcome and thus reaffirm your knowledge

Map of the area around Limon Lounge 2, 7777 Keele St & Hwy 7, Vaughn, ON, 64K 1Y7, Canada

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.