Every Friday 21:00 - 03:00h
Salsa, Bachata, Cha-Cha-Cha, Son
4 Dance Floors
Entry CHF 15.- (incl. SalsaPractica)
370m2 Dancefloor / Lounge & Bar
Door Opening 21:00h
From 21h 1 hour SalsaPractica with teacher
From 22h Main Floor DJ Inmenso
From 23:15h Bachata Floor DJ Giovanni
From 23:15h Kizomba Floor DJ Nuno
From 23:15h Rueda de Casino Dancefloor with Animation
Salsa, Bachata, Cha-Cha-Cha, Son - the best rhythms to kick off the weekend! Drop by on Friday for the SalsaRica salsa dance night at the Bananenreiferei. Furthermore, benefit of our included SalsaPractica hour before dancing away to first-class music until 03:00h.
SalsaPractica 21:00 - 22:00h
It's not a class but is intended to help you solve knots or practice moves that aren't quite right yet.
Slow music is played, perfect for practicing. Teachers are on site for advice.
The Salsa Practica is not free, but part of the party and included in the party entrance fee. Practica teachers can be recognized by specific T-shirts or a key chain.
Please approach the teachers actively if you need help. You can also come by and practice by yourself.
With Rueda de Casino Dance Floor starting 23:15h
Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.