Fiesta Cubana! with Dj El Guapo 100% cuban salsa

Campus Corso Diestsestraat 253 3000 Leuven

(2 weeks ago)

Organiser: Cuban Salsa Leuven


We continue our wonderful new tradition of Fiesta Cubana parties in Campus Corso on Saturday May 18th!!
✅ Location: Dancing Corso (Diestsestraat, Leuven)
✅ Dj El Guapo returns!
✅ 100% Cuban salsa
✅ Entrance € 10 (including workshop)

19h30 Doors open
20h00 Evening workshop salsa (open level)
21h00 Party with Dj El Guapo!

Map of the area around Campus Corso Diestsestraat 253 3000  Leuven

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.