Echale Bachata Austin - ft. Calder & Lily!

Adresse: 4622 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78745-1304, United States,Austin, Texas, Austin, TX, US

(Il y a un mois)

Organisateur: Echale Salsita Austin

Affiche pour Echale Bachata Austin - ft. Calder & Lily! le samedi  8 février par Echale Salsita Austin
Salsa Bachata


Austin, Mexico City, Dallas, Montreal and now Italy! 🌎 Join us at Echale Salsita & Echale Bachata for the ultimate dance event in Austin, exclusively designed with social dancers in mind. Featuring two dedicated rooms, 100% Salsa and 100% Bachata, this e

Carte des environs 4622 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78745-1304, United States,Austin, Texas, Austin, TX, US

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