DANCE TO THE BEAT - Special Playlist by DJ Pete

Dancelounge Spinnereistrasse 298640 Rapperswil (SG)

(In a month)

Poster for DANCE TO THE BEAT - Special Playlist by DJ Pete on Friday, April  4

Unsere "Dance to the beat"-Party 4x im ersten halben Jahr.
DJ Pete spielt viele Premieren in der Tanzszene mit seiner einzigartigen Playlist. (Fokus Discofox & Latin)
Kostenlose Parkplätze, XXL-Dancefloor >130m2 & Special's.
Artisten/DJs: DJ Pete

Map of the area around Dancelounge Spinnereistrasse 298640 Rapperswil (SG)

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.