Connection & Expression Workshop w/ Lunna & Gabi

4618 14th St NW,Washington D.C., Washington, DC, US

(In 2 days)

Organiser: District Zouk

Poster for Connection & Expression Workshop w/ Lunna & Gabi on Saturday, September 21 by District Zouk

Join us on Saturday, September 21 for workshops with Lunna Gomes & Gabi Neri before they return to Brazil. They'll be sharing some topics they specialize in to help you find more freedom, expression and connection in dancing Brazilian zouk.


1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Solo Dance Elements for Lead/Follow Expression

Partner dancing is more fun when both partners are able to fully express themselves to the music. In this workshop, we'll start with some basic techniques from other solo dance styles that you can incorporate within zouk structures. We'll then explore the cues and gaps that we can occupy and what to fill them in with.

2:15 pm - 3:45pm
Adding Color and Texture to Your Dance Connection

How we connect is an important aspect of how we can dance together. For this class, we'll recognize the layers of connection and musicality. What textures can I communicate to my partner through the points of contact we have? Which elements of the music can we use with more awareness? Together we'll explore these concepts. We'll finish the workshop with a short guided practica to apply what we've been working on.


Both workshops
$30 until 9/14
$40 until 9/20
$45 on 9/21

Single workshop
$20 for solo expression
$30 for dance connection

Get your tickets at:


Dance Loft on 14
4618 14th St NW, Washington, DC 20011


Lunna Gomes began dancing as a child, exploring various styles such as classical dance, jazz, tap dance, urban dances, and contemporary dance. In 2015, she embarked on her journey with partner dancing at Jaime Arôxa School in the city of Goiânia. She specialized in the Zouk style and, upon moving to New York City, she began developing her interdisciplinary research on body awareness and connection within the Zouk style. She has taken professional courses with Jaime Arôxa (Rio de Janeiro), Xandy Liberato (Brasília), Jessica Landon & Ryel (New York). Over the course of six years, she has taught in cities such as New York, Goiânia, Rio de Janeiro, Brasília, and Belo Horizonte, bringing her unique and sensitive approach to connecting art and life, creating a safe and dynamic environment in her classes. Currently pursuing a master ' s degree in Performing Arts at the Federal University of Goiás in Brazil, Lunna ' s research focuses on improvisation and conscious movement, translating dance into a comprehensive partnership that involves versatile vocabulary, body awareness, sensitivity, and creativity.

Gabriela began her research journey in Zouk in 2016 in the city of Goiânia, attending regular classes at Adriano Garibaldi Dance Studio in regular and specific classes for scholarship holders. She participated in courses and workshops in the same city with local and visiting teachers such as Eglantine, Layssa Valentina, Giovanna Leoni, Nathália Moura, and Luca Carvalho at the beginning of her journey. She also traveled out of state to take private lessons with teachers like Anderson Mendes, Leandro Bandido and Nayara, Xandinho, Camilla Magalhães, and Kamylla Chagas. She also established a partnership with Lunna Gomes, developing an authentic and profound movement research. Gabriela began her career as a Zouk teacher by teaching by herself in the extension project of the Federal University of Goiás Dance School in 2022. She recently completed her graduation at the university. She continues her path as a Zouk teacher, offering private and regular group classes at Adriano Garibaldi Dance Studio and at her own place. In addition to Zouk, she has been teaching other partner dances since 2018 and works as a professional dancer in the dance company "Trupe do Salão."

Map of the area around 4618 14th St NW,Washington D.C., Washington, DC, US

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.