Colours In Contact Weekly Lab & Jam May 1

805 Dovercourt Rd, Toronto, ON M6H 2X4, Canada,Toronto, Ontario, Toronto, ON, CA

(a month ago)

Organiser: Colours In Contact

Poster for Colours In Contact Weekly Lab & Jam May 1 on Wednesday, May  1 by Colours In Contact
Salsa Zouk Tango


ABOUT THE COLOURS IN CONTACT JAMS: At Colours in Contact, you will have a chance to connect with others, make great friends, and have beautiful dances. This event offers a platform to practice creative expression in movement, break through old habits, and build new connections. You will learn how to efficiently use your body with momentum in order to produce beautiful lifts and shared dynamic synchronized dances. You are invited to explore your experience of body and movement through Contact Improvisation while remaining conscious of others, in all our differences, with love and curiosity. These differences may include but are not be limited to race, gender, culture, dance experience, athletic ability, neurological differences and body type. Which is to say, with great enthusiasm, we will practice asking ourselves: What do our bodies have to say today? Our minds? Our hearts? How can we approach this with the utmost respect and care and learn to listen to what is present? Join us for this musical dance evening, make new connections and have fun!


Weekly schedule:

- 6pm Doors open

- 6:10pm Warm-up/lab - lead by Pablo Perez

- 7:10pm Open dance jam with DJ'd soft music

- 8:50pm Closing circle

Location: Dovercourt House at 805 Dovercourt rd. Top Floor

Parking: Free parking available along neighbouring streets

Cost: $20

We also having a sliding scale option for those who would like to support, or are in need of a bit of support $15-$25 sliding scale (payment through ticket link, cash or e-transfer at Y29sb3Vyc2luY29udGFjdCB8IGdtYWlsICEgY29t)

All dance and movement levels welcome!

Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @coloursincontact

Let us know if it's your birthday week, we'll celebrate!


ABOUT CONTACT IMPROV: Contact Improvisation (CI) is a partner/solo/group-improvised dance style developed in 1972 by Steve Paxton and Nancy Stark Smith, heavily influenced by Aikido and Modern dance. Due to the open-ended nature of the dance, each new dancer can add to this pot of creativity. This has lead to various influences weaving in and out of the form. Some of those influences include but are not limited to Tango, Zen, Zouk, Contemporary, Ballet, Hip Hop, Qi Gong, Capoeira, Ballroom, Salsa and the list goes on. This is the beauty of CI: it can offer such an open fertile ground for exploration in expression and movement. Your voice in this dance is what will drive the creative freedom possible at Colours in Contact.

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About Pablo Perez:

Pablo Perez's family immigrated to Toronto from Guatemala in the early 80's. For how small Guatemala is compared to other countries, he has always valued the small pockets of familiar warmth in Toronto. Fostering space where people of all walks of life can feel welcome is something Pablo is deeply passionate about.

Pablo has always had a passion for creativity, expression, and connection. Whether exploring structure through lego or the shared structures of the body, there has always been an element of playful open curiosity that is fostered throughout life. In terms of exploring the architecture of the mind over the past 16 years, Meditation has always been a guiding force. In body over the past 15 years: movement exploration through authentic movement, Muay Thai, Thai Chi, Yoga, Salsa, Tango, Hip Hop, Zouk, Fusion Dance, and Contact Improv have all impacted the way he approaches the creative medium of the body. At Colours in Contact, you are sure to be invited and guided by Pablo Perez to explore what movement, dance, connection, expression, and care can mean for you. This exploration will be felt together in shared space with other dancers, with the room, and most importantly, with yourself.



- Please refrain from attending the jam if you are feeling unwell.

- Since Colours in Contact jams involve a rolling point of contact and sliding, clothing that have zippers and buttons as well as jewellery are not permitted. Sleeveless shirts, shorts, skirts and slippery clothing are also not recommended.

- Only non-glass water bottles are allowed in the studio as we dance barefoot.

- Please avoid wearing perfumes or scented body care products in consideration for people with chemical sensitivities.

Map of the area around 805 Dovercourt Rd, Toronto, ON M6H 2X4, Canada,Toronto, Ontario, Toronto, ON, CA

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.