Colombian Pre-Silvester Party Live Konzert Exitos Los 50 de Joselito

Sonnenstraße 15, 80331 München, Deutschland,Munich, Germany, Munich, BY, DE

(2 months ago)

Organiser: Colombian Coffee Bar

Poster for Colombian Pre-Silvester Party Live Konzert Exitos Los 50 de Joselito on Friday, December 27 by Colombian Coffee Bar

Live Konzert & Party - Konzert Exitos Los 50 de Joselito

DJS Beto & Silver

Salsa Choke mit SALSACALIMUC

Party & Conzert: 22:00 bis 05:00 Uhr

La Rumba Latin Club Stachus

Map of the area around Sonnenstraße 15, 80331 München, Deutschland,Munich, Germany, Munich, BY, DE

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.