Clube Vicio - Kizomba Party & Dance Classes Every Saturday Night!

Casa Ritmo, 64-66 Newington Causeway, London, SE1 6DF

(2 months ago)


Clube Vicio – Londons Original Saturday Night Kizomba Party with Classes
The original weekly Saturday Kizomba dance party & class in London. Consider this the place to be for authentic (PALOP style) Kizomba, Semba & Tarraxinha indulgence.
The Kizomba classes are fun yet detailed, designed to prepare you to dance with authentic feeling and rhythm so you are ready to explore your African spirit.
Our great DJ’s will play the best classic & fresh tracks attracting dancers native to the origins of Kizomba such as Angola, Sao Tome, Cabo Verde, Guinea Bissau & Mozambique as well as Kizomba addicts from the world over!
Visit the Kizomba Addiction site for more details!

Map of the area around Casa Ritmo, 64-66 Newington Causeway, London, SE1 6DF

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.