Classy Urbankiz - Halloween

Vestdijk 41, 5611 Eindhoven, Nederland,Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant, Eindhoven, NB, NL

(In 7 months)

Organiser: Classy UrbanKiz

Poster for Classy Urbankiz - Halloween on Saturday, November  1 by Classy UrbanKiz

under construction

Classy Urban kiz wants to bring high quality Urban Kiz events to the region of Eindhoven. We don't just put some music in a room. No, we are dancers ourselves and we want to make a party that we consider the ideal party. We have many years of experience in the Kizomba scene a

Map of the area around Vestdijk 41, 5611 Eindhoven, Nederland,Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant, Eindhoven, NB, NL

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.