Canceled Bürkli-Hop @ Platzspitz

Bürkliplatz Musikpavillon, Bürkliplatz, Zürich, ZH, 8001, Switzerland

(vor einem Monat)

Veranstalter: The B%C3%BCrkliHop Syndicat by Z%C3%BCrich's Lindy Szene

Bild für Canceled Bürkli-Hop @ Platzspitz am Donnerstag, 25 April organisiert durch The B%C3%BCrkliHop Syndicat by Z%C3%BCrich's Lindy Szene

Sorry we have to cancel this week Bürklihop. The weather is to cold to dance outdoor… there be around 8°-3° prognoses
Don’t miss Zürich’s outdoor Socialdance for LindyHop Balboa Shag SoloJazz etc. more info & community: Free, it’s a noncomercial szene-meeting run by szene members.
during April is the Buerkli pavilion not available, we dance at Platzspitz 20:00 to 22:30 (or longer if we can stay in the parc)

Karte der Umgebung von Bürkliplatz Musikpavillon, Bürkliplatz, Zürich, ZH, 8001, Switzerland

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