Join our Balboa Workshops/Classes on Sunday!
You can choose Intermediate or Advanced
You can register for just one Sunday if you want. But we organise often workshops so these are the other possible Sundays.
Data: 22 and 29 september, 13 and 20 oktober, 17 and 24 november
* Sundays:
15:30 - 16:30 Intermediate
16:45 - 18:45 Advanced
* Location: Tango Alegre, Minderbroedersrui 49, 2000 Antwerpen
* Price:
12 euros per Intermediate Workshop of 1 hour class per person
24 euros per Advanced Workshop of 2 hours classes per person
* Teachers: Ivo and Dancing Sophie
This is who we are
* Registration is required per mail: c29waGllIHwgZGFuY2luZ3NvcGhpZSAhIGJl
Beginners Balboa classes on Thursday!
more info
Hope to see you soon on our dance floor !!!
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