BADABOUM ** Show Rodrigo & Indira **

Kulturraum Le Nid, Rüdigerstrasse 10, 8045 Zürich, Suisse

(vor einer Woche)

Dear friends, we are inviting you to a very special Badaboum Night Fiesta!
With so much anticipation and excitement we welcome our dear friends and incredible dancers: Indira Hiayes and Rodrigo Palacios.

Don’t miss the chance of seeing this beautiful and powerful couple perform in Zurich.

Saturday night 25.05.204
Entrance 20chf
DJ Alia

Facebook event :

Workshops with Rodrigo and Indira :

Your Badaboumers
Alia, Caro, Til, Dani

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Karte der Umgebung von Kulturraum Le Nid, Rüdigerstrasse 10, 8045 Zürich, Suisse

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