Bachata de Fuego: CHRIS PARADISE in Zagreb!

Magazinska cesta 16, HR-10110 Zagreb, Hrvatska,Zagreb, Croatia, Zagreb, GZ, HR

(En 2 días)

Organizador: Bachata de Fuego

Póster para Bachata de Fuego: CHRIS PARADISE in Zagreb! el Sábado 21 de Septiembre por Bachata de Fuego

Bachata de Fuego with Peron 16 brings you the ultimate Bachata hotness >>>

🔥🔥 THE UNFORGETTABLE CHRIS PARADISE bachata concert in Zagreb, Croatia, on Saturday, 21st of September!

🔥🌴 We present you one of the most productive & one of the most amazing bachata singers and creators in the world, brilliant hit-maker Chris Paradise! His smashing, energetic new-sound bachatas are on the playlists all over the world, yet he has beautiful classical style bachatas; slow and fast, romantic, chill, sensual, provocative - amazing...

🔥💯 This autumn we teamed-up with Peron 16 club that will ensure the best possible experience for all our concerts! Perfect big, big, big dance floor, perfect sound, perfect lightning and stylish decor, good ventilation, enough tables, big reserved parking lot and easy access by bus & tram, swift personnel and all kind of drinks & cocktails with perfect prices! This is is the place to be in, this is the concert to dance on, all night long!

🔥🫦 Perfect place, unlimited bachatastic Fuego fun, the best of the best of bachata artists, brilliant music and atmosphere, the best dancers from Croatia and from all over Europe, and one of the best parties you'll ever dance in, again, GUARANTEED!

🔥🌴 Dress code: Tropical!

🔥👉 21st of September - save the date!

Early bird: 👉 9€ 👈 Don't wait, it will go up soon!
Regular price: 11€
On the day of concert: 15€
Exclusively available via Eventim:

Peron 16, Magazinska 16, Zagreb, Croatia, big hall.
Saturday, 21st of September 2024. From 21:00 until 03:00.

1. Melavia
2. Pending
3. Pending

Get ready for the time of your bachalife!

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Bachata de Fuego & Peron 16 predstavljaju vrhunski bachata-spektakl >>>

🔥🔥 NEZABORAVNI BACHATA KONCERT CHRISA PARADISEA u Zagrebu, u subotu 21. rujna 2024.!

🔥🌴 Predstavljamo jednog od najproduktivnijeg i jednog od najfantastičnijeg bachata-pjevača i kreatora na svijetu, briljantnog hit-mejkera Chrisa Paradisea! Njegove zadivljujuće, energične bachate novog zvuka nalaze se na playlistama diljem svijeta, uz prekrasne bachate i klasičnog stila; spore i brze, romantične, opuštajuće, senzualne, provokativne, vruće - nevjerojatne...

🔥💯 Ove jeseni udružili smo se s klubom Peron 16 koji će osigurati najbolje moguće iskustvo za sve naše koncerte! Savršen veliki, veliki, veliki plesni podij, savršen zvuk, savršena rasvjeta i dekor u stilu, dobra ventilacija, dovoljno stolova, veliko rezervirano parkiralište i jednostavan pristup autobusom i tramvajem, brzo osoblje i sve vrste pića i koktela po savršenim cijenama! Ovo je mjesto na kojem moraš biti, ovo je koncert & party na kojem moraš plesati, cijelu noć!

🔥🫦 Savršeno mjesto, neograničena bachatastična Fuego-zabava, najbolji od najboljih bachata-umjetnika, briljantna glazba i atmosfera, najbolji plesači iz Hrvatske i iz cijele Europe, i (opet) jedan od najboljih partyja na kojem ćeš ikad plesati, GARANTIRANO!

🔥🌴 Dress code: tropski!

🔥👉 21. rujna - zabilježi datum!

Early Bird: 👉 9€ 👈 Ne čekaj, uskoro će poskupjeti!
Redovna cijena: 11€
Na dan koncerta: 15€
Ulaznice ekskluzivno dostupne preko sustava Eventim:

Peron 16, Magazinska 16, Zagreb, Hrvatska, velika dvorana.
Subota, 21. rujna 2024. Od 21:00 do 03:00.

1. Melavia
2. Na čekanju
3. Na čekanju

Get ready for the time of your bachalife!

Mapa de la zona alrededor de Magazinska cesta 16, HR-10110 Zagreb, Hrvatska,Zagreb, Croatia, Zagreb, GZ, HR

Evento encontrado a través de la web, trate esta información con precaución.