⭐️ALOCUBANO WARSAW 2024⭐️ Premium CUBAN Festival with LATIN Craze 🤩 🌴 PARTY MODE ON! 🥳 Fall Edition Poland WARSAW ➔ 04-06 OCT 2024
If youve got a heart that beats to the rhythm of Cuban and Latin music, then you dont want to miss this! Lets just say there is enough energy here to power the entire city of Warsaw!⚡ Dont just sit there, hit the link in our bio, grab your tickets, and get ready for a weekend that’ll be so hot, Warsaw might just melt! 🔥
••• Established by JULIO ESPINAL from Santiago de Cuba • Tremenda Familia • Cultura & Sabrosura •••
📍 VENUE Poland Warsaw Hotel Gromada Centrum
🎫 Tickets & Program ➔ www.alocubano.se
⭐️ FRI till MON 🔥 PARTY PARTY all night long 🥳
⭐️ CUBAN & LATIN Explosion
⭐️ Live Music Classes
⭐️ 3 Crazy Night Parties & Secret After Parties
⭐️ 700 Marvellous Participants from 30+ Countries
⭐️ 28+ hrs Dance Workshops
⭐️ 30+ World’s Top Instructors
Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.