All welcome to Kizomba Practica

Adresse: Esquina Tango Austin, 209 Pedernales St, Austin, TX, 78702, US

(Il y a 2 semaines)

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Kizomba Tango

When: Every Sunday
Location: Esquina Tango, 209 Pedernales St. Austin TX 78702
5:15pm – 6:15pm All-level Kizomba class
1st & 3rd Sunday with Omid & 2nd & 4th Sunday with Alex
Click here to sign up to class in advance
7:30pm – 9pm Practica by Donation (Suggested donation $5- $10)

Carte des environs Esquina Tango Austin, 209 Pedernales St, Austin, TX, 78702, US

Information trouvée en cherchant sur le web, traitez cette information avec prudence.