5050 Salsa & Bachata

The Vault, London, United Kingdom, London, EN, GB

(In 3 days)

Organiser: 5050 Salsa & Bachata

Poster for 5050 Salsa & Bachata on Saturday, March 15 by 5050 Salsa & Bachata
Salsa Bachata

If you like SALSA and BACHATA, you will love FIFTY FIFTY. Every third Saturday of the month!


⭐ 7pm BONUS Rueda FUN class with Ramiro Zapata
*Suitable for improvers+ level only
⭐ Special Guest Salsa Teachers Cao An & Yimini
⭐ Special Guest Bachata Teacher & DJ Edi

Map of the area around The Vault, London, United Kingdom, London, EN, GB

Event found via web search, treat this information with caution.